01 |
WCO Harmonized System |
World Customs Organization Harmonized Commodity Coding and Description System. Use 6 (or occasionally 8 or 10) digits, without punctuation |
0 |
02 |
UN Standard Product and Service Classification. Use 8 (or occasionally 10) digits, without punctuation |
0 |
03 |
UK Revenue and Customs classifications, based on the Harmonized System |
1 |
11 |
04 |
Warenverzeichnis für die Außenhandelsstatistik |
German export trade classification, based on the Harmonised System |
5 |
05 |
EU TARIC codes, an extended version of the Harmonized System. Use 10 digits, without punctuation |
5 |
06 |
Fondsgroep |
Centraal Boekhuis free classification field for publishers |
8 |
07 |
Sender’s product category |
A product category (not a subject classification) assigned by the sender |
10 |
08 |
GAPP Product Class |
Product classification maintained by the Chinese General Administration of Press and Publication (http://www.gapp.gov.cn) |
15 |
09 |
Statistical Classification of Products by Activity in the European Economic Community, see http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/nomenclatures/index.cfm?TargetUrl=LST_NOM_DTL&StrNom=CPA_2008. Use 6 digits, without punctuation. For example, printed children’s books are ‘58.11.13’, but the periods are normally ommited in ONIX |
16 |
10 |
Mercosur/Mercosul Common Nomenclature, based on the Harmonised System. Use 8 digits, without punctuation |
23 |
11 |
Common Procurement Vocabulary, uses to describe requirements for tender for public tendering and procurement within the EU. Code is a nine digit number (including the check digit). See http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=URISERV:l22008 |
33 |
12 |
Polish Classification of Products and Services (2015). Use a single letter followed by 2 to 7 digits, without punctuation. For use in ONIX 3.0 only |
47 |
50 |
Electre genre |
Typologie de marché géré par Electre (Market segment code maintained by Electre) |
24 |