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List 221: Message status

Last updated in issue
Value Description Notes Issue number Modified in Issue
00 Message received Message received but not yet parsed (Acknowledgement must contain neither <MessageStatusDetail> nor <RecordStatusSummary>, and should include <NoProduct/>). There is no particular implication that the acknowledgement message is valid – the status is based solely on receipt of a file and minimal parsing of the original ONIX message header to ascertain <MessageNumber> etc.. The Acknowledgement message MAY give a date when parsing is planned 28
01 Message rejected Entire original ONIX message rejected (ie NONE of the data records have been ingested). The status of any recognisable records MAY be summarised in the remainder of the Acknowledgement Message 28
02 Message part-processed Original ONIX message partially parsed (ie at least SOME of the data records have been ingested, in whole or in part). Records processed to date MUST be summarised in the remainder of the Acknowledgement Message 28
03 Message processed Original ONIX message parsed and processed in full, and at least SOME of the data records have been ingested, in whole or in part), Results MUST be summarised in the remainder of the Acknowledgement Message 28
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