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List 2: Product composition

Last updated in issue 39
Value Description Notes Issue number Modified in Issue
00 Single-component retail product 9 39
10 Multiple-component retail product Multiple-component product retailed as a whole 9 39
11 Multiple-item collection, retailed as separate parts Used only when an ONIX record is required for a collection-as-a-whole, even though it is not currently retailed as such 9 39
20 Trade-only product Product available to the book trade, but not for retail sale, and not carrying retail items, eg empty dumpbin, empty counterpack, promotional material 9 39
30 Multiple-item trade-only pack Product available to the book trade, but not for general retail sale as a whole. It carries multiple components for retailing as separate items, eg shrink-wrapped trade pack, filled dumpbin, filled counterpack 9 39
31 Multiple-item pack Carrying multiple components, primarily for retailing as separate items. The pack may be split and retailed as separate items OR retailed as a single item. Use instead of Multiple-item trade-only pack (code 30) if the data provider specifically wishes to make explicit that the pack may optionally be retailed as a whole 21 39
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