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List 158: Resource content type

Last updated in issue 50
Value Description Notes Issue number Modified in Issue
01 Front cover 2D 10
02 Back cover 2D 10
03 Cover / pack Not limited to front or back, including 3D perspective 10
04 Contributor picture Photograph or portrait of contributor(s) 10
05 Series image / artwork 10
06 Series logo 10
07 Product image / artwork For example, an isolated image from the front cover (without text), image of a completed jigsaw 10 50
08 Product logo 10
09 Publisher logo 10
10 Imprint logo 10
11 Contributor interview 10 12
12 Contributor presentation Contributor presentation and/or commentary 10 12
13 Contributor reading 10 12
14 Contributor event schedule Link to a schedule in iCalendar format 10 12
15 Sample content For example: a short excerpt, sample text or a complete sample chapter, page images, screenshots etc 10
16 Widget A ‘look inside’ feature presented as a small embeddable application 10
17 Review Review text held in a separate downloadable file, not in the ONIX record. Equivalent of code 06 in List 153. Use the <TextContent> composite for review quotes carried in the ONIX record. Use the <CitedContent> composite for a third-party review which is referenced from the ONIX record. Use <SupportingResource> for review text offered as a separate file resource for reproduction as part of promotional material for the product 10 11
18 Other commentary / discussion 10
19 Reading group guide 10
20 Teacher’s guide Incuding associated teacher / instructor resources 10
21 Feature article Feature article provided by publisher 10
22 Character ‘interview’ Fictional character ‘interview’ 10
23 Wallpaper / screensaver 10
24 Press release 10
25 Table of contents A table of contents held in a separate downloadable file, not in the ONIX record. Equivalent of code 04 in List 153. Use the <TextContent> composite for a table of contents carried in the ONIX record. Use <Supporting Resource> for text offered as a separate file resource 11
26 Trailer A promotional video (or audio), similar to a movie trailer (sometimes referred to as a ‘book trailer’) 11
27 Cover thumbnail Intended ONLY for transitional use, where ONIX 2.1 records referencing existing thumbnail assets of unknown pixel size are being re-expressed in ONIX 3.0. Use code 01 for all new cover assets, and where the pixel size of older assets is known 14
28 Full content The full content of the product (or the product itself), supplied for example to support full-text search or indexing 17
29 Full cover Includes cover, back cover, spine and – where appropriate – any flaps 17
30 Master brand logo 20
31 Description Descriptive text in a separate downloadable file, not in the ONIX record. Equivalent of code 03 in List 153. Use the <TextContent> composite for descriptions carried in the ONIX record. Use <Supporting Resource> for text offered as a separate file resource for reproduction as part of promotional material for the product 27
32 Index Index text held in a separate downloadable file, not in the ONIX record. Equivalent of code 15 in List 153. Use the <TextContent> composite for index text carried in the ONIX record. Use <Supporting Resource> for an index offered as a separate file resource 27
33 Student’s guide Including associated student / learner resources 30
34 Publisher’s catalogue For example a PDF or other digital representation of a publisher’s ‘new titles’ or range catalogue 31
35 Online advertisement panel For example a banner ad for the product. Pixel dimensions should typically be included in <ResourceVersionFeature> 31
36 Online advertisement page German ‘Búhnenbild’ 31
37 Promotional event material For example, posters, logos, banners, advertising templates for use in connection with a promotional event 31
38 Digital review copy Availability of a digital review or digital proof copy, may be limited to authorised users or account holders 31
39 Instructional material For example, video showing how to use the product 32
40 Errata 39
41 Introduction Introduction, preface or other preliminary material in a separate resource file 40
42 Collection description Descriptive material in a separate resource file, not in the ONIX record. Equivalent of code 17 in List 153. Use the <TextContent> composite for collection descriptions carried in the ONIX record. Use <Supporting Resource> for material (which need not be solely only) offered as a separate file resource for reproduction as part of promotional material for the product and collection 40
43 Bibliography Complete list of books by the author(s), supplied as a separate resource file 44
44 Abstract Formal summary of content (normally used with academic and scholarly content only) 46
45 Cover holding image Image that may be used for promotional purposes in place of a front cover, ONLY where the front cover itself cannot be provided or used for any reason. Typically, holding images may comprise logos, artwork or an unfinished front cover image. Senders should ensure removal of the holding image from the record as soon as a cover image is available. Recipients must ensure replacement of the holding image with the cover image when it is supplied 46
46 Rules or instructions Eg for a game, kit 48
99 License Link to a license covering permitted usage of the product content. Deprecated in favor of <EpubLicense>. This was a temporary workaround in ONIX 3.0, and use of <EpubLicense> is strongly preferred 22 24
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