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List 153: Text type

Last updated in issue 50
Value Description Notes Issue number Modified in Issue
01 Sender-defined text To be used only in circumstances where the parties to an exchange have agreed to include text which (a) is not for general distribution, and (b) cannot be coded elsewhere. If more than one type of text is sent, it must be identified by tagging within the text itself 10
02 Short description/annotation Limited to a maximum of 350 characters 10
03 Description Length unrestricted 10
04 Table of contents Used for a table of contents sent as a single text field, which may or may not carry structure expressed using XHTML 10
05 Primary cover copy Primary descriptive blurb usually taken from the back cover or jacket, or occasionally from the cover/jacket flaps. See also code 27 10 50
06 Review quote A quote taken from a review of the product or of the work in question where there is no need to take account of different editions 10
07 Review quote: previous edition A quote taken from a review of a previous edition of the work 10
08 Review quote: previous work A quote taken from a review of a previous work by the same author(s) or in the same series 10
09 Endorsement A quote usually provided by a celebrity or another author to promote a new book, not from a review 10
10 Promotional headline A promotional phrase which is intended to headline a description of the product 10
11 Feature Text describing a feature of a product to which the publisher wishes to draw attention for promotional purposes. Each separate feature should be described by a separate repeat, so that formatting can be applied at the discretion of the receiver of the ONIX record, or multiple features can be described using appropriate XHTML markup 10 22
12 Biographical note A note referring to all contributors to a product – NOT linked to a single contributor 10
13 Publisher’s notice A statement included by a publisher in fulfillment of contractual obligations, such as a disclaimer, sponsor statement, or legal notice of any sort. Note that the inclusion of such a notice cannot and does not imply that a user of the ONIX record is obliged to reproduce it 10
14 Excerpt A short excerpt from the main text of the work 10
15 Index Used for an index sent as a single text field, which may be structured using XHTML 17
16 Short description/annotation for collection (of which the product is a part.) Limited to a maximum of 350 characters 17
17 Description for collection (of which the product is a part.) Length unrestricted 17
18 New feature As code 11 but used for a new feature of this edition or version 22
19 Version history 22
20 Open access statement Short summary statement of open access status and any related conditions (eg ‘Open access – no commercial use’), primarily for marketing purposes. Should always be accompanied by a link to the complete license (see <EpubLicense> or code 99 in List 158) 22
21 Digital exclusivity statement Short summary statement that the product is available only in digital formats (eg ‘Digital exclusive’). If a non-digital version is planned, <ContentDate> should be used to specify the date when exclusivity will end (use content date role code 15). If a non-digital version is available, the statement should not be included 28
22 Official recommendation For example a recommendation or approval provided by a ministry of education or other official body. Use <Text> to provide details and ideally use <TextSourceCorporate> to name the approver 29
23 JBPA description Short description in format specified by Japanese Book Publishers Association 32
24 snippet JSON-LD snippet suitable for use within an HTML <script type="application/ld+json"> tag, containing structured metadata suitable for use with 36
25 Errata 39
26 Introduction Introduction, preface or the text of other preliminary material, sent as a single text field, which may be structured using XHTML 40
27 Secondary cover copy Secondary descriptive blurb taken from the cover/jacket flaps, or occasionally from the back cover or jacket, used only when there are two separate texts and the primary text is included using code 05 43 50
28 Full cast and credit list For use with dramatized audiobooks, filmed entertainment etc, for a cast list sent as a single text field, which may or may not carry structure expressed using XHTML 43
29 Bibliography Complete list of books by the author(s), supplied as a single text field, which may be structured using (X)HTML 44
30 Abstract Formal summary of content (normally used with academic and scholarly content only) 46
31 Rules or instructions Eg for a game, kit 48
32 List of contents Eg for a game, kit. Note: use code 04 for a Table of Contents of a book 50
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