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List 100: Discount code type

Last updated in issue 42
Value Description Notes Issue number Modified in Issue
01 BIC discount group code UK publisher’s or distributor’s discount group code in a format specified by BIC to ensure uniqueness (a five-letter prefix allocated by BIC, plus one to three alphanumeric characters – normally digits – chosen by the supplier) 1 42
02 Proprietary discount code A publisher’s or supplier’s own code which identifies a trade discount category, as specified in <DiscountCodeTypeName>. The actual discount for each code is set by trading partner agreement (applies to goods supplied on standard trade discounting terms) 1 11
03 Boeksoort Terms code used in the Netherlands book trade 4
04 German terms code Terms code used in German ONIX applications 5
05 Proprietary commission code A publisher’s or supplier’s own code which identifies a commission rate category, as specified in <DiscountCodeTypeName>. The actual commission rate for each code is set by trading partner agreement (applies to goods supplied on agency terms) 11
06 BIC commission group code UK publisher’s or distributor’s commission group code in format specified by BIC to ensure uniqueness. Format is identical to BIC discount group code, but indicates a commission rather than a discount (applies to goods supplied on agency terms) 12
07 ISNI-based discount group code ISNI-based discount group scheme devised initially by the German IG ProduktMetadaten, in a format comprised of the supplier’s 16-digit ISNI, followed by a hyphen and one to three alphanumeric characters – normally digits – chosen by the supplier. These characters are the index to a discount percentage in a table shared in advance by the supplier with individual customers. In this way, a supplier may maintain individual product-specific discount arrangements with each customer. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 47
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