01 |
Early notification |
Use for a complete record issued earlier than approximately six months before publication |
0 |
02 |
Advance notification (confirmed) |
Use for a complete record issued to confirm advance information approximately six months before publication; or for a complete record issued after that date and before information has been confirmed from the book-in-hand |
0 |
03 |
Notification confirmed on publication |
Use for a complete record issued to confirm advance information at or just before actual publication date, usually from the book-in-hand, or for a complete record issued at any later date |
0 |
11 |
04 |
Update (partial) |
In ONIX 3.0 only, use when sending a ‘block update’ record. A block update implies using the supplied block(s) to update the existing record for the product, replacing only the blocks included in the block update, and leaving other blocks unchanged – for example, replacing old information from Blocks 4 and 6 with the newly-received data while retailing information from Blocks 1–3 and 5 untouched. In previous ONIX releases, and for ONIX 3.0 using other notification types, updating is by replacing the complete record with the newly-received data |
0 |
42 |
05 |
Delete |
Use when sending an instruction to delete a record which was previously issued. Note that a Delete instruction should NOT be used when a product is cancelled, put out of print, or otherwise withdrawn from sale: this should be handled as a change of Publishing status, leaving the receiver to decide whether to retain or delete the record. A Delete instruction is used ONLY when there is a particular reason to withdraw a record completely, eg because it was issued in error |
0 |
08 |
Notice of sale |
Notice of sale of a product, from one publisher to another: sent by the publisher disposing of the product |
2 |
09 |
Notice of acquisition |
Notice of acquisition of a product, by one publisher from another: sent by the acquiring publisher |
2 |
88 |
Test update (Partial) |
ONIX 3.0 only. Record may be processed for test purposes, but data should be discarded when testing is complete. Sender must ensure the <RecordReference> matches a previously-sent Test record |
26 |
89 |
Test record |
Record may be processed for test purposes, but data should be discarded when testing is complete. Sender must ensure the <RecordReference> does not match any previously-sent live product record |
26 |